Owner, The Law Office of William T. Bly
The Wagner Law Firm
Partner, Eisenberg, Gilchrist & Cutt
About Michael
Michael is a highly sought after speaker who often presents at national conferences on innovative ways to create exponential business growth.
His advice has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Inc., Avvo, ABA Journal, The Trial Lawyer, Huffington Post, and The Wall Street Journal.
If you stick to the same old strategies, you’ll get the same old results. In this electrifying keynote presentation, Michael outlines Crisp’s darkest hour, the decisions he made to navigate through it, and how the organization emerged stronger than ever — plus, how you can use these lessons to propel your law firm to heights you’ve never known before.
It’s harsh but it’s true: best known beats best. In this tactical truth bomb, Michael dives deep into how to stand out in a crowded digital landscape, proven strategies to stay top-of-mind with your ideal clients, and the exact strategy that sold out the 1,000+ attorney 2019 Crisp Game Changers Summit. (Pro tip: America’s fastest-growing law firms use this same strategy to be the name consumers think of FIRST when they need legal help.)